Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Reflection - where am I at?

It was great meeting up in the City of Sails at a super venue, the KPMG buildings.  From student data I felt I needed to take a step back to consider how lower order questioning helps students gain a basic entry level for understanding the text.  The challenge has been changing my mindset from engaging with higher order thinking skills, to inference and/or lower order skills.  I feel I am still not there yet on the concept I want to tackle with my Year 9/10 learners.  I decided to research into bringing all my ideas together to analyse what might be happening.  Heres what I found out:  

When I analysed  The Pedagogy Wheel V5 against Sheena Cameron's Reading Comprehension Strategies (2009), most of these reading strategies sit at the lower level of Bloom's taxonomy:  remember and understand:

Where to next:  I feel I need to do further investigating, researching, synthesising of information into predict, synthesis and visualise to decide what reading strategy I will focus on.  Here is a brief overview of them:

  • Predicting - can set the purpose for reading;
  • Visualising  - can support self-monitoring (meta cognition); and 
  • Synthesising - can create ownership of thinking.

Prototyping: going through the experience of prototyping was very beneficial for me.  I found working with other professionals who are also focused on raising student achievement was helpful. This experience may have to recreated with my new challenge statement.

Data Collection

 What data have you collected in Term 1, how did you collect it?

I have collected data from the PAT Reading Comprehension Results for Years 9 and 10 students at my kura.  I will also be considering if this data is reflected in the Data from EdPortal for my regional and national evidence from the Manaiakalani Research Team.  I have also completed some Probe reading tests. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Empathise - how does the students feel?

 We continued with another role play to demonstrate what it is like for a child in the classroom who has my problem.  We worked in pairs,  I was acting out questioning a students using lower order questions and then higher order questions.  The student, could answer the lower order questions but shrugged their shoulders and grunted with the higher order question.  Here is the image of my Empathise Poster: 

How might we...

The How Might We... turned the problem into a solution, which was a fantastic way of reframing the problem.  I had already recorded some ideas of how to reframe the problem like how are teachers preparing students to become critical thinkers?  How will students recognise that they are being taught different concepts/higher order thinking (H.O.T) skills?   People at the hui contributed to each other's How Might We... by writing a prompt or question.  Here is my poster: 

The Who?

We then continued to discuss the Who... who would be able to support this project?  I included teachers that I currently have contact with and one teacher who in the past has supported our school.  The Manaiakalani Research team, and our facilitators Meryn and Fiona would also be great support. 

Manaiakalani Innovator Teachers 2022

Ideate the Crazy 8's

Ideate - Crazy 8's was a great exercise to complete.  Funnily enough I added the last one as a crazy idea, but have always thought of creating a YouTube channel and/or videos to support student learning.  This happened to be the most popular idea from the other teachers.  Here is my poster: